Rebecca Higgins - British Sign Language Interpreter

Using a British Sign Language Interpreter

Below are a few things worth considering prior to the assignment which should help things run more smoothly.

To enable me to provide the best service possible it is essential to give me, before the assignment, as much preparation material as possible. Typical examples of preparation would be:- power point presentations, subject topic to allow research, scripts, agendas and minutes of previous meetings etc

I will arrive slightly early to allow time for discussions on seating, lighting etc. This time can also be used to discuss the nature of the assignment and the desired outcomes.

Make sure that a deaf client has access to, or time to read, any visual material as it not possible to watch me and read at the same time.

I can only sign or voice over for one person at a time, 'turn taking' when communicating is is very important and useful to all involved. A pre-arranged way of indicating a wish to speak is beneficial as it can be difficult for a deaf person to interrupt.

I am there to facilitate communication and not as a participant in the meeting/ workshop. It is not within my role to ask questions of either party other than to clarify understanding of a concept.

Any advice on how to work with an interpreter or help with deaf issues or culture should be addressed to the deaf client or discussed before the assignment.

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